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Lives of the Stars 5: Links

The Australia Telescope Outreach and Education site has a good description of star formation, at.

Interoperability for Extreme Events Research Group Social media sites ...

This provides a good source of information for disaster managers to find out the source and severity of the event and create (a better) situational awareness appropriate to the affected communities.

The G7 minutes make grim reading for China and Russia | United States Studies Centre

This means “friend-shoring”, or setting up supply chains between “trusted” suppliers for critical goods such as critical minerals, semiconductors, and batteries.

Voyage to the Planets 10: Links

A couple of good ones:. ... The Kepler website is at: they have loads of good pictures and animations, as well as a live counter telling you how many planets they've found!

The Debate Papers: Can Australia be a cyber power? | United States Studies Centre

Recruits are selected on aptitude and given practical experience solving important – sometimes life and death – cybersecurity problems, develop team work and a good work ethic, and after three or four years ... But I believe we have enviable

The KKK in Hollywood cinema | United States Studies Centre

The New Yorker’s film critic, Richard Brody, says: “The worst thing about The Birth of a Nation is how good it is.” At the time President Woodrow Wilson said it

AUKUS’ strategic deterrence good for the nation and region | United States Studies Centre

DC, USA00:00. CBR, AUS00:00. Share. 11 March 2023. AUKUS’ strategic deterrence good for the nation and region.

Why Americans do political speeches so well (and debates so badly) | United States Studies Centre

But these speeches are memorable because they are so rare. Australian politicians need to be good communicators, but they are not expected to deliver the kind of soaring, visionary rhetoric we ... Hence the need for good speech-making. Competition for