FMH Wins 20 February - Intranet

Associate Professor Laura Piccio (left) and Dr Monokesh Kumer. (Click to enlarge.). ... Dr Monokesh Kumer and Associate Professor Laura Piccio from the School of Medical Sciences were awarded a 2022 Careers in Immunology Fellowship from the American

Makers & Shapers award winners announced - Semester 2 2023 - Intranet

Laura di Michele. Lecturer, Sydney School of Health Sciences. Education Design Accelerator team . ... Alix Thoeming. Monique Laura. Matthew Kiem. For extraordinary innovation in education design for teaching implementation science.

Faculty leadership - Intranet

Faculty intranets. PSU intranets. Research intranets. Log in to access content throughout the IntranetLogged in as (). Sections. Faculty of Medicine and Health. HR & employment. Careers & training. Services. Contacts & campuses. Strategy &

FMH Wins 14 February 2022 - Intranet

Meat eating link to inflammation, worse gut health and MS. Corresponding author Associate Professor Laura Piccio collaborated with Dr Yanjiao Zhou at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine to study

Monday 10th - Tuesday 11th September 2018Adelaide Oval Adelaide, ...

21stPrecisionAgriculture Symposium. @SPAA_ 8Inc #PASymposium1. Disclaimer: The information presented in this publication is provided in good faith and is intended as a guide only. ... There is the potential to possibly reduce nitrogen “on-the-fly” to

FMH Wins 1 August - Intranet

The team of researchers included Mary O’Keeffe, Professor Steve Kamper, Laura Montgomery, Amanda Williams, Professor Alexandra Martiniuk, Barbara Lucas andProfessor Robyn Ward at the Nepean Centre for Oral Health.

MS researchers get critical assistance from MS Australia Brain Bank for new prevention and treatment - Intranet

Through enabling the brain’s repair process, Associate Professor Laura Piccio and Dr Claire Goldsbury’s team hope that their research is a gateway to new prevention and treatment options.

FMH Wins 31 January 2022 - Intranet

Laura Di Michele, Frances Gray, Sahand Hooshmand, and Sue Meikle, for developing a welcoming, engaging and effective learning community in a first year undergraduate unit. ... We all know that exercise is good for us, but it also helps to prevent

ReST Manual 2023

1. Clinician Manual for Rapid Syllable Transition Treatment (ReST). Patricia McCabe, Elizabeth Murray, Donna Thomas and Pippa Evans. 2nd Edition 2024 Sydney School of Health Sciences . 2. Please cite this work as: McCabe, P., Murray, E., Thomas,