Results that match 1 of 2 words

Dialogues in urban planning: Creating sustainable regions

He points out how the developingworld aspires to all of the unhealthy sprawled lifestyle of the developed world.But good urban design and planning which involves local people in Third Worldcommunities, ... While this approachcan help practitioners

Paid Care in Australia: Politics, Profits, Practices

Trying to engagein political processes without good information would be extremely difficult andprobably unproductive. ... Care is a public good, better produced anddistributed according to human need than skewed by investors’ self-interest(Schmid 2001)

Over Our Dead Bodies

Despite this huge support and the overwhelming weight of public opinion infavour of gun control, the NCGC today remains an organisation run on the good-will and dedication of volunteers, on
Research opportunities_

Search for a cause: the role of astrocytes in the early pathology of Parkinson's disease

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 86. Leadership for good starts here.

An Archaeology of Institutional Confinement: The Hyde Park Barracks, 1848–1886

Printed Matter: Literature and Reading 1626 Private Lives 168. The Applewhaite-Hicks Family 168Hicks Family Quarters and Artefact Assemblage 177Lucy Hicks 180Marked Goods: Ownership and Identification 184Ephemera and Keepsakes 187Children at

Dr Subotheni Thavaneswaran

Leadership for good. Media. Student links. About us. Connect. ABN: 15 211 513 464.

A P P E N D I X 3 ...

CUlTURAl eNvIRONmeNT | 31. groups, when combined with key anthropological studies and other cultural documentation of Pilbara Aboriginal peoples, provides a good foundation from which to create a model of traditional Nyiyaparli ... This, in turn, helped

Dr Richard Philip

Richard’s research focuses on securities trading and the structure of financial markets. Richard’s current research focuses on high frequency trading, permanent price impact and the information…