Results that match 1 of 2 words


All together a new future for commissioning human services in NSW

11 September 2023 -
Working with a coalition of community sector peak organisations, the Lab developed a “commissioning jigsaw” and fundamental principles for good commissioning that ensured people and communities are at the heart of

Hospitals worldwide are short of saline why cant we switch to other IV fluids

31 July 2024 -
Last week, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration added intravenous (IV) fluids to the growing list of medicines in short supply. ... The Therapeutic Goods Administration is warning supplies of the fluids could be constrained for the rest of

Why study clinical epidemiology

1 March 2024 -
Clinical epidemiology is the science behind good clinical research and evidence-based clinical decision making.

What I wish I knew before starting a clinical trial

19 May 2020 -
Know the standards. Remember, it’s the principal investigator’s responsibility make sure the trial adheres to all legislation from the Therapeutic Goods Act, state and federal privacy acts and ... NSW Health Directives to Good Clinical Practice.

Community is core for the Flames - Sydney Uni Sport

Competitions. Community is core for the Flames. 2018-11-28. Celebrating 15 years of the Flames at Sydney University this year prompted Laura Hanlon to discover that connection to community has

Baseball - Sydney Uni Sport

Cynics’ were a group of ancient Greek philosophers who believed that ‘virtue is the only good and that the only means of achieving it is self-control’.

In and outs of Waratahs - Sydney Uni Sport

Competitions. In and outs of Waratahs. 2009-04-30. Graham Croker. Sydney University backs Tom Carter and Peter Playford were part of a good news-bad news scenario when the Waratahs

The changing nature of public transport

7 July 2020 -
These are many and include good service design (for both fixed and on-demand services), awareness of and responsiveness to customer needs, deployment of technology as an enabler (bus operators were