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Ethical design guidelines for future technology released

In this article for The Conversation, Professor Rafael Calvo and Dorian Peters reveal the details of a report released today by the worldâ s largest technical professional organisation is designed to help humanity avoid a robot apocalypse.

How universities came to rely on international students

How universities came to rely on international students. 25 May 2020. International student fees have become part of the unofficial funding policy of consecutive federal governments, writes Associate Professor Julia Horne for The Conversation.

How much is news worth to Google and Facebook?

Are Google and Facebook really prepared to pull services from their Australian users rather than hand over some money to publishers under the bargaining code? Associate Professor Tim Dwyer at University of Sydney explains.

Experts respond to Australia’s results in PIRLS literacy study

University of Sydney experts have commented on the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and looked at ways to help young Australians become confident and self-sufficient readers.

Hissstory: how the science of snake bite treatments has changed

Hissstory: how the science of snake bite treatments has changed. 7 February 2017. From ammonia and alcohol, to splints and antivenoms: Dr Peter Hobbins from the Department of History charts the evolution of Australia's snake bite treatments. Brown

Mary Shelley’s The Last Man is a prophecy of life in a global pandemic

It’s disturbing today to read Shelley ventriloquising the complacent response from England to early signs of disease in its colonies.