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Reading Chinese Philosophy and Religion

Reading Chinese Philosophy and Religion - CHNS2005. Year - 2023. This unit offers students the opportunity to learn how to access and read texts from the corpus of Chinese philosophical and religious traditions.
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Dramaturgy - PRFM3611. Year - 2024. What is a dramaturg? How do you read a play?
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Jazz Piano 1

read music notation in treble and bass clefs. .
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Dante and the Middle Ages

Dante and the Middle Ages - ITLN3694. Year - 2024. Dante Alighieri's 'Divine Comedy' will be read as an enduring work of poetry, a major text of the European literary tradition, and
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Introduction to Ancient Greek 2

Introduction to Ancient Greek 2 - GRKA1601. Year - 2023. This unit builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in GRKA1600, enabling students to read Greek texts in the original.
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Classroom Management

Enrolment rules:. Assumed knowledge. Students enrolling in this unit of study are expected to be able to read and understand music and have a genuine interest in studying how to teach
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At the same time as considering and questioning Shakespeare's treatment of the human, you will also discover new and productive ways to read his complex figurative language.
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Neural Information Processing

In this weekly sessions, students read, present and interpret original research papers, developing critical thinking skills as well as a deep understanding of the emerging scientific evidence in the topic area.
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Chemical Biology (Advanced)

the DNA featuring chemical modifications that affect how the genetic code is read.
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Historical Jesus to Written Gospels

The unit will read Biblical texts in English translation. Enrolment rules:.