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Undergraduate courses

Explore our undergraduate or bachelors degrees, learn what is an undergraduate degree, and discover what it is like to study at the University of Sydney.
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Musicology - Sydney Conservatorium of Music

Dr Alan Maddox, Senior Lecturer in Musicology. Dr Rachel Campbell, Lecturer, Musicology. Ms Laura Case, Lecturer, Musicology.
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Study architecture, design and planning

Read about our specific scholarships for architecture, design and planning students.
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Study health sciences - Faculty of Medicine and Health

Allied health degrees include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology and exercise therapy. Launch your career in health sciences and allied health.
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Complex systems - Faculty of Engineering

To see how it works, read about credit for previous study for your Master of Complex Systems.
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Music education - Sydney Conservatorium of Music

Become a music teacher. Learn about our courses in music education, their learning outcomes, career pathways and our experienced teaching staff.
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Project management - Faculty of Engineering

To see how it works, read about credit for previous study for your Master of Project Management.