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Exam dates

Exam dates. Exam dates. Read through your unit of study outlines carefully at the start of semester to make sure you're aware of when you need to be ready for

The 2025 Skills Horizon | Sydney Executive Plus

As a leader, you’ll be constantly challenged to pinpoint what will matter next. In The 2025 Skills Horizon report, we explore new skills you'll need, why they matter and the benefits they unlock.

Open access

Open access publishing agreements. University-wide Read and Publish agreements (also described as “transformative agreements”) enable authors to publish their articles in selected open access journals immediately upon acceptance for publication,

Evidence-based practice

For more information about study designs, see'How to read a paper' by Trish Greenhalgh..

News - Wesley College

All the latest news and opinions around Wesley.

Our research

past on the present; and indeed, how the present is read into the past.