
Vale Clive James

23 April 2024 -
My favourite quotation: 'If you don't know the exact moment when the lights will go out, you might as well read until they do.'.". ... Nonetheless, he acknowledged that much of what he read in his courses here remained with him "when all the theoretical

Sydney Innovation Festival

Daniel Lucas, Student and Associate, Vale. Dr Laura Kotevska, Lecturer, University of Sydney. ... We all read about the big success stories, but what about when things go wrong?
Current students_

Academic advice

This FASS degree pathways guide can help you navigate subject selection for your specific degree with easy-to-read colour coded diagrams relating to majors, electives and OLEs amongst other course ...

The Young Tall Poppy trifecta

27 November 2019 -
Science researchers Dr Laura Parker from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences and Dr Samantha Solon-Biet from the Charles Perkins Centre were also honoured with a Young Tall Poppy ... Outstanding science research awarded. Marine Scientist

Tree's company

1 February 2018 -
The new jacaranda in its new home. They were engaged under the old tree, so Laura Dalton (BA ’08 BSW ’10) and Dr David Wood (BE ’05 PhD ’11) brought their

Student Short Film Competition and Training - Henry Halloran Research Trust

Monday August 21, 2023
Terms and conditions. Read the terms and conditions of this competition (pdf, 103KB). ... The Endangered Public Park by Laura Kleine Butron, University of Sydney.

Literary and textual analysis - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

How we read these texts – visually, aurally, by touch – shapes how we identify their themes and significance, and we use analytic techniques to engage their meanings. ... Producing digital platforms in which to read and evaluate Modernist texts and

Why sexual harassment by customers goes unreported

29 November 2016 -
Co-author of the study, Laura Good, said staff were more likely to internalise their frustration rather than make a formal complaint to address the harassment. ... Laura Good is an honours graduated of the University of Sydney Business School.