Results that match 1 of 2 words


No Data About Us Without Us

4 August 2023 -
Data is increasingly used to direct services, secure funding and influence policy. However, for the disability community in Australia, access to high quality data is significantly lacking. This report captures the perspectives of 40 members of

Meet 7 superwomen of arts and social sciences

28 October 2019 -
I love that I get to read, write, and travel to Japan for a living.

War and the modern world

Thursday November 21, 2019
War and the modern world. Examining the paradoxes, causes and consequences of war. World-renowned Canadian historian Professor Margaret MacMillan examines some of the paradoxes of war, drawing on examples from history since the end of the Great War.

Forensic Psychology Lab - Faculty of Science

Find out how we are investigating how forensic psychology can enhance our justice system and support those affected by criminal activity.
Current students_


As part of the application you will need to:. read the SA-HELP information booklet. ... More information on FEE-HELP. Read the information booklet at Study Assist..

Ancient Egyptian treasures discovered in suburban Sydney home

12 January 2023 -
A collection of 182 ancient Egyptian treasures discovered in a suburban home has been donated to the University of Sydney. The collection includes a mummified cat, a coffin fragment and a necklace thousands of years old. Read their story.
Current students_

Research skills for HDR students

Reading. When reading, it’s important to be systematic. Keep track of what you read with basic bibliographic information and brief notes.

Dementia research to receive crowdfunded boost

6 September 2022 -
His father, Dr Brian Shaw, would read them aloud to her at their family home.

Walking faster could make you live longer: research

19 November 2019 -
Researchers call for walking pace to be emphasised in public health messages, as analysis of over 50,000 walkers finds a faster pace is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality.