Results that match 1 of 2 words


Helping others as a rehabilitation counsellor

20 September 2019 -
Not sure what a rehabilitation counsellor does? Read how alumna Palma Carfi helps unwell or impaired people to improve their quality of life and return to work.

Museum as classroom

8 October 2021 -
The chance to handle museum objects brings study to life for students across the University's disciplines, with object-based learning preparing for a second semester.

How to make copper mines emission free: new report

13 August 2021 -
A world first study by the University of Sydney's Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering, Zero Emission Copper Mine of the Future, lays out how Australian copper mining can be cleaner and smarter using emerging technologies.

World's biggest bee found

22 February 2019 -
The world's biggest bee, Megachile pluto, or Wallace's giant bee, has been rediscovered in Indonesia having been last seen in 1981. Find out how Dr Simon Robson from the University of Sydney and colleagues found the lost species.

Boot Camp - Sydney Uni Sport - Fitness Challenge

Our Boot Camp is a 8 week group challenge of indoor/outdoor activities. Open for all students, staff & community. Tap here to read about our Boot Camp.

Resilient places

Learn how we are managing the built and natural environment on our University of Sydney campuses to support people, plants, animals and the planet.

Adventures in the virosphere: Charting the world of viruses

6 September 2018 -
Adventures in the virosphere. 6 September 2018. Charting the world of viruses. Viruses are everywhere – you are surrounded by them, yet we know remarkably little about them. Take an adventure into the virosphere with the Sydney Science Forum on

Open society, common purpose taskforce - Sydney Policy Lab

Read about the work of theThe Taskforce convened a summit on 23 August with leaders from business, government, civil society and academia to explore the next phase of Australia’s pandemic ... Read more about the establishment of the Taskforce in

Eating habits of baby predator starfish revealed

27 July 2020 -
Eating habits of baby predator starfish revealed. 21 July 2020. Juvenile crown-of-thorns starfish will eat almost anything to survive. The creatures' varied diet complicates scientists' ability to age them. This makes plans for the management of