Clerical Staff Mark Off Votes in the Senate Elections | University of Sydney Archives

Details. IdentifierREF-00002997 Date1982 Decade1980s Description. Clerical staff (left to right) Steven McQuilty, Neil Hanna, Heather Mulder, Clara Schiavon, Margaret Kelly and Mary Taylor mark off votes in the Senate Elections. ... Save. Revert. Cancel.

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If you would like to read a little about grid homology, a good reference is Grid Homology for Knots and Links by Peter S. ... UNCLUTTER for printing. AUTHENTICATE to mark the scnews item as read.

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related. Read differently it expresses the worst-case error of an equal weight numerical integration rule for functions from the unit ball in a certain reproducing kernel Hilbert space setting in ... UNCLUTTER for printing. AUTHENTICATE to mark the