

Prerequisites:? A WAM of 70 and an average mark of 70 or above from 12cp from {[ANAT2008 or ANAT2X10 or PHSI2X05 or PHSI2X06 or PHSI2X07 or PHSI2X08 or MEDS2001 or MEDS2002 ... Read our information on departmental permission.. .

Faculty prizes - Scholarships

Completed second-year units of study. Highest average mark in two Chinese studies units. ... GRKA2620 Learn to Read Ancient Greek 1. GRKA2621 Learn to Read Ancient Greek 2.

Shades of Black: An interview with Kaiya Aboagye

21 October 2020 -
It is this legal myth that marks the start, trajectory and approach taken to race relations in this country. ... She is currently undertaking her PhD at the University of Sydney, which you can read about will be held on 22 November 2018 at The Old Rum

Artists at the end of the world

4 May 2023 -
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Sydney Social Sciences and Humanities Advanced Research Centre (SSSHARC) co-hosted a special event to mark Earth Day, bringing together alumni and ... read striking accounts of her residency with the

Four easy steps to write a strong essay

27 September 2023 -
This will make your essay convincing and easy to follow, which in turn makes it easier for your tutor to award you marks. ... 4. Don't forget to edit and proofread. During this stage you should read your essay more than once.

How travel 'bucket lists' help cancer patients handle life and death

14 May 2024 -
You can read articles listing the seven cities you must visit before you die or the 100 Australian bucket-list travel experiences. ... Mark, the recently retired husband of a woman with cancer, spoke about their stalled travel plans:.

Discovery shines light on how cancer cells could protect themselves

17 February 2021 -
They worked with Dr Mark Reed from The University of Sydney, Prof Paul Timpson and Dr Max Nobis of The Garvan Institute, and Dr Maté Biro from the University of NSW.

Fisher Library terrace to reopen after more than 30 years

1 June 2022 -
University Librarian Philip Kent and Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Mark Scott on the Fisher Library rooftop terrace. ... It was a great place to take a break from study, read or catch up with friends.

How cannabinoids work - Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics

Research Team: Professor Mark Connor, Dr Marina Santiago (Macquarie University);Lambert Initiative, University of Sydney).