Results that match 1 of 2 words

Unit of study_

Zoology (Advanced)

Enrolment rules:. Assumed knowledge. BIOL1XXX or MBLG1XXX. Pre-requisites. Annual average mark of at least 70 in previous year.
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Korean 5

Enrolment rules:. Pre-requisites. KRNS2002 or KRNS2622 or HSC Korean Continuers with a final mark of 80 or above.

Dr Emily Remnant

I am a geneticist and evolutionary biologist investigating how insects respond to changes in their environment. I use genetics and genomics to study genes involved in resistance to chemical…
Unit of study_

Korean 5

Enrolment rules:. Pre-requisites. KRNS2002 or KRNS2622 or HSC Korean Continuers with a final mark of 80 or above.

Professor Fiona Blyth

De Morgan, S., Walker, P., Blyth, F., Marks, L., Rychetnik, L., Nicholas, M., Sanders, D., Wilson, A.
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Fluid Dynamics (Advanced)

Pre-requisites. An average mark of 65 or more in (12 credit points of MATH2XXX).
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Modern Hebrew in Everyday Context

Enrolment rules:. Pre-requisites. HSC Modern Hebrew Continuers mark over 70 or HBRW2603.
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German 5

Enrolment rules:. Pre-requisites. HSC German Extension course or the HSC German Continuers course (with a mark above 70) or GRMN2004 or GRMN1222 or GRMN2612.

Dr Hanako Suenaga

Dr Suenaga gained her Doctor of Dentistry and PhD in the field of prosthetic dentistry in 2008 from Tohoku Graduate School of Dentistry, Japan, where she continued her career as a clinical fellow and …
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Number Theory and Cryptography Adv

Enrolment rules:. Pre-requisites. MATH1902 or MATH1904 or (a mark of 65 or above in MATH1002 or MATH1004 or MATH1064).