Results that match 1 of 2 words

Unit of study_

Environmental Law and Ethics (Advanced)

Enrolment rules:. Assumed knowledge. ENVI2x22. Pre-requisites. An average mark of 75 or above across (12 credit points of 2000-level units of study).

Professor Ryan Naylor

Ryan Naylor is Academic Coordinator (Education Quality) and Professor of Higher Education in the Sydney School of Health Sciences. He is a Fulbright Scholar, and Principal Fellow, HEA. He is also a…
Unit of study_

Medical and Applied Virology (Advanced)

A WAM of 70 and a mark of 70 or above in 6cp from (BMED2404 or IMMU2101 or MEDS2004 or MIMI2X02 or MICR2X22).

Dr Benjamin Nickl

Ben's areas of research and teaching include mass entertainment, culture theory, and theories of humour. He is working on popular cultural technologies of mediation, questions of translatability, and …

Professor Leanne Togher

Professor Leanne Togher is recipient of her 4th NHMRC Fellowship and the first speech pathologist nationally to be awarded the NHMRC Investigator Grant L3 (commencing 2024). Professor Togher is a…
Unit of study_

Environmental Law and Ethics (Advanced)

Enrolment rules:. Assumed knowledge. ENVI2x22. Pre-requisites. An average mark of 75 or above across (12 credit points of 2000-level units of study).
Unit of study_

Cellular Physiology (Advanced)

Enrolment rules:. Pre-requisites. A mark of 70 or above in 6cp from (BMED2402 or BMED2403 or BMED2405 or BMED2406 or MEDS2001 or PHSI2X05 or PHSI2X06 or PHSI2X07).
Unit of study_

Gene Technology and Genomics (Adv)

Enrolment rules:. Pre-requisites. A mark of 75 or above in (GEGE2X01 or MBLG2X72 or GENE2002) and a mark of 75 or above in (MBLG2X71 or BIOL2XXX or BCMB2XXX or QBIO2001
Unit of study_

Medical and Applied Virology (Advanced)

A mark of 70 or above in 6cp from (BMED2404 or IMMU2101 or MEDS2004 or MIMI2X02 or MICR2X22).

Dr Venu Chalasani

Pattenden, T., Rashid, P., Winter, M., Vela, I., Pryor, D., Mark, S., Loeb, S., Lawrentschuk, N., Pritchard, E., Thangasamy, I., Chalasani, V., et al (2023).