Results that match 1 of 2 words

Unit of study_

Protein Function and Engineering (Advanced)

Enrolment rules:. Assumed knowledge. Intermediate Biochemistry (2000 level). Pre-requisites. An average mark of 75 or above in [6 credit points from (BCMB2X02 or BCHM2X71) and 6 credit points from (BCHM2X71
Unit of study_

International Field Placement

Eligible students will maintain a weighted average mark of at least 70% in their first 24 core credit points.

Dr Zoe Marks

Error Code: There is no academic staff / higher degree research student with the URLID zoe.marks.Error Code: There is no profile available for the URLID zoe.marks. ... People_. Dr Zoe Marks.…
Unit of study_

Dynamical Systems and Applications

Pre-requisites. (A mark of 65 or greater in 12cp of MATH2XXX units of study) or [12cp from (MATH3061 or MATH3066 or MATH3076 or MATH3078 or MATH3961 or MATH3962 or MATH3968

Dr Mark Rafla

Error Code: There is no academic staff / higher degree research student with the URLID mark.rafla.Error Code: There is no profile available for the URLID mark.rafla. ... People_. Dr Mark Rafla.…

Dr Rebecca Cross

Dr Rebecca Cross is lecturer in Geography in the School of Geosciences, Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney. She is a rural and environmental geographer with a keen passion for…

Professor Margaret Sunde

Margie Sunde is currently a Professor in the School of Medical Sciences at the University of Sydney. She completed her undergraduate studies in Biochemistry at the University of Cape Town, then moved …

Professor Glenn Albrecht

Glenn A. Albrecht is an Honorary Associate in the School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. He retired as Professor of Sustainability, Walter Murdoch University, in …