Results that match 1 of 2 words

Unit of study_

Biochemistry of Human Disease (Advanced)

Pre-requisites. An average mark of 75 or above in [12 credit points from (BCHM2X71 or BCHM2X72 or BCMB2X01 or BCMB2X02 or MEDS2003 or MBLG2X01) or [6 credit points from (BCHM2X71
Unit of study_

Practice Placement in Public Health

Practice Placement in Public Health - PUBH5040. Year - 2023. This unit gives high-achieving students who have an average weighted mark of 75% or more in their first 48 credit points of

Professor Ian Wilkinson

Ian is an Honorary Professor of Marketing in the University of Sydney Business School and a Professor (part time) in the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management, University of…

Dr Fabian Held

As Senior Interdisciplinary Lecturer in the Portfolio of the Deputy-Vice Chancellor (Education, Enterprise and Engagement) Dr Held works at the intersection of disciplines to tackle complex problems. …

Financial Mathematics and Statistics

Financial Mathematics and Statistics. Specialisation. The Financial Mathematics and Statistics specialisation is designed to meet the needs of a particularly popular area of employment for our mathematics graduates. Mathematics is the foundation of

Dr Tom Lung

Tom Lung is Associate Professor in health economics at the School of Public Health, University of Sydney. He specialises in health economic modelling and economic evaluation. He develops and applies…
Unit of study_

Statistical Learning and Data Mining

Enrolment rules:. Pre-requisites. (ECMT5001 or QBUS5001 or STAT5003) and (a mark of 65 or greater in BUSS6002 or COMP5310 or COMP5318). .
Unit of study_

Cranial and Cervical Anatomy (Advanced)

Enrolment rules:. Pre-requisites. A WAM of 70 and an average mark of 70 or above from 12cp from {[ANAT2008 or ANAT2X10 or PHSI2X05 or PHSI2X06 or PHSI2X07 or PHSI2X08 or