Results that match 1 of 2 words


Molecular innovations in health - Faculty of Science

Explore how molecular innovations are advancing health through the development of interventions tailored to address a wide range of diverse diseases.

Lendlease Bradfield Urbanisation Scholarship - Scholarships

have a Weighted Annual Mark (WAM) of 65, or Semester Average Mark for first year full-time students. ... c. Applicants must be enrolled in either their first or second year of studies and have a minimum Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of 65.

Defer your offer

A study by the Sydney School of Education and Social Work in 2013 showed that students who took a gap year achieved higher marks at university than students who entered straight

A gift from the heart to advance Alzheimer's research

2 September 2022 -
Mark was convinced that a cure had to be found for this cruel disease. ... When Mark himself passed in 2017, Suzanne and Roslyn, began looking at how his $50,000 bequest could best be used.

An Anzac myth

In this essay for The Monthly, Professor Mark McKenna considers whether Turkey and Australia have memorialised a romantic image of Gallipoli. ... This essay was written by Professor Mark McKenna from the Department of History at the University of Sydney,

Why we need to internationalize our research

20 July 2022 -
Collaboration is not as easy as we sometimes think, partly because our academic training so often focuses on the individual and the way they mark themselves out from the group. ... agendas. Collaboration is not as easy as we sometimes think, partly

From an arts degree to co-founder of The Daily Aus

31 August 2023 -
Though it was initially a shock when I received my first round of marks at university, it taught me an invaluable lesson in speaking in plain, accessible English.”.