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Publications - Henry Halloran Research Trust

23 June 2022. The devastating and far-reaching impact of the 2022 floods in eastern Australia, particularly the very large numbers of people likely to be displaced for long periods of ... Murray. Henry Halloran Research Trust, The University of Sydney.

Sydney Medical School Foundation - Faculty of Medicine and Health

The grants have helped:. research projects investigating the causes and treatment of diseases affecting the population that is served by Nepean Hospital and the greater community at large;. ... to implement large-scale public health programs.

Research outputs - Henry Halloran Research Trust

To understand the state of the literature and inform ongoing debates, a systematic review method is used to interrogate a large body of infrastructure governance literature across sectoral boundaries.

Postdoctoral Research Translation Scheme - Henry Halloran Research Trust

Australia. Based on a large scoping review of social vulnerability indicators linked to the health impact of climate change and extreme weather events like heatwaves, heavy rains, storms and bushfires, we

Macroeconomic Implications of Microeconomic Decisions and Beliefs - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

This research can be divided into the following three areas. First, the team has worked extensively with large datasets documenting individual household and firm behaviours.

Sydney Medical School Foundation - Faculty of Medicine and Health

The grants have helped:. research projects investigating the causes and treatment of diseases affecting the population that is served by Nepean Hospital and the greater community at large;. ... to implement large-scale public health programs.