Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Physical Layer Security

Research Supervisor Connect. Security of a wireless communication link has always been of great importance. In conventional wireless networks, security issues are primarily considered above the physical layer and are usually based on cryptographic
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Drawing Algorithms for Almost Planar Graphs

Research Supervisor Connect. The project aims to develop graph drawing algorithms under a number of constraints related to planarity. Masters/PHD. Graph drawing algorithms aim to produce human-readable pictures of relational data. These algorithms
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n-Dimensional path planning using the Self-Organizing Maps

Research Supervisor Connect. This project investigates an application of the Distance Transformation method to the n-dimensional path planning problem. N/A. The capability of the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) to create topology preserving mappings of
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Utility of Cerebrospinal fluid proteomics to define molecular mechanisms in brain disease of childhood.

Using mass spectrometry approaches to define and quantify proteins, and using large CSF cohorts of patients with common brain diseases, we will improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of disease, ... This project has large clinical
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Brain Structural Connectomics and Tractographic Performance in Ultra-High Resolution Diffusion Imaging

We have recently acquired the highest-ever resolution image of the brain, and are applying this methodology across a number of different large projects including our Chronic Diseases Connectome Project (CDCP) ... PHD. This PhD project focusses on
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Archer Study: The ARCHER adolescent rural cohort study of Health, Hormones, Environments, Education and Relationships

Interested researchers are encouraged to read the protocol to understand the breadth of this study which has already produced a large amount of data and which provides research opportunities in many
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Studies of interface behaviour between soil and particulate materials and solids

N/A. A unique large, 1 metre diameter, ring shear apparatus has been developed at the University of Sydney to investigate interface behaviour. ... The large ring shear device is an ideal apparatus for investigating the crushing behaviour as it enables
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The impact of non-standard dark matter on cosmology

This will require running large-scale simulations in high-performance computing environments. HDR Inherent Requirements.
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Parallel Stochastic Optimization Algorithms

Research Supervisor Connect. This project is investigating the application of unorthodox optimization techniques such fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, neural networks, simulated annealing, ant colonies, Tabu search, and others to develop optimal
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Theory and philosophy of archaeology

My fields of expertise are the theory and philosophy of archaeology, the study of settlement growth and decline and the analysis of large-scale cultural phenomena over time.