Results that match 1 of 2 words

Transformative governance - Sydney Environment Institute

The project’s intended outcome is to develop a short series of questions suitable for large scale surveys to assess energy poverty. ... energy sector writ large, and especially for batteries in electric vehicles and electricity storage.
Current students_

Returning home from Australia

Don’t take out large amounts of cash – you need to declare to Customs at the airport if you’re leaving with more than $10,000 cash in Australian or equivalent

Dual citizenship crisis sounds a stern warning for future MPs

Dual citizenship crisis claims five more Australian MPs. Professor Anne Twomey explains the High Court ruling on the Katy Gallagher case and whether the dual citizenship issue can be fixed.

Group exercise The silver bullet for exercise motivation

16 July 2024 -
A large-scale study seeking to understand which strategies best motivate older adults to exercise has demonstrated that a socially-connected approach markedly improves long-term exercise engagement, whereas a traditional

Astronomy surveys - Faculty of Science

Primary reference: D. Bock, M.I. Large & E.M. Sadler (1999) AJ, 117, 1578-1593. ... medium. Primary reference: A.J. Green. L.E. Cram, M. Large & T. Ye (1999), ApJS, 122, 207-219.

How effective are opioid medications for cancer pain

19 December 2023 -
Researchers examining the data on opioids for pain caused by cancer have found surprisingly large gaps in evidence regarding the true benefits of these medicines for cancer pain.

Classics and Ancient History - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

We also have close ties with the University of Sydney’s Nicholson Museum, which houses a large collection of artefacts from the ancient world. ... Classics and Ancient History has a large cluster of scholars whose research examines the construction

Data and modelling - Faculty of Science

Our researchers design efficient algorithms for processing large amounts of data, develop dynamical models to explain natural phenomena and discover new ways to detect and interpret complex patterns in real-world ... Key researchers:Bioinformatics is an

World-first microchip: 'storing lightning inside thunder'

1 February 2018 -
The use of photonic chips - bypassing electronics - is one solution to this problem being pursued by large companies such as IBM and Intel.

Alumna awarded inaugural Schmidt Science Fellowship in Astronomy

19 June 2024 -
Taking machine learning to astronomical proportions. Engineering alumna Jielai Zhang is part of a team building the world’s best telescope to observe faint and large extragalactic objects. ... At university, I also developed a goal-oriented mindset. We