Results that match 1 of 2 words


How will mass-vaccination change future COVID-19 lockdowns?

22 March 2021 -
The study involved a large-scale, detailed simulation to inform high-level discussion and debate among academics about the importance and feasibility of herd immunity.

Should Indonesia relocate its capital to East Kalimantan, Borneo?

1 June 2022 -
The proposed relocation of Indonesia’s capital poses a major threat to local flora, fauna, and ecosystems, that are already vulnerable to the adverse impacts of large-scale extractive industries including

Watching out for whales: Australian tech gives new eyes to ships

22 May 2023 -
Whales can be detected if they are on the surface of the water, most commonly by their large exhalations [blows],” Associate Professor Bruce said.

SEI awarded major funding to examine climate disasters

20 December 2022 -
The project addresses two large risks which can undermine spontaneous community responses to disasters in the future.
Centres and institutes_

Research Centre for Children and Families - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

well two other large scale multi-state projects, Whole of Family approaches to working with families where there is domestic violence and the STACY Project (Safe and Together Addressing Complexity).

Sydney takes top honours in Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science

11 November 2021 -
It shows that universities are invaluable public assets that deliver time and again for the Australian public and the world at large. ... This is a tribute to a large network of scientists in Australia and all over the world who have worked so hard to

Sydney researchers discover hidden structure in networks like Twitter

1 December 2023 -
An important computational tool to study and extract information from large complex networks is to partition it into groups of nodes with similar connectivity,” lead author Ms Liu said.

12 of our biggest business stories from this year

21 December 2021 -
Most read stories about the University of Sydney Business School in 2020, from research on the impact of COVID-19 to a study on internet addiction among Australian teenagers. Read more.

Is expensive house advertising affecting the property market?

20 September 2024 -
To explore these questions, a group of US-based economists studied the outcomes of advertising on a large platform favoured by real estate agents in the United States called the “multiple