Results that match 1 of 2 words

Postgraduate and short courses in pain management - Faculty of Medicine and Health

For those enrolled in the Graduate Diploma and Master's level degrees, the large range of elective choices provides an opportunity to study specific areas of interest in more depth.

Screen time, alcohol poor sleep for girls how the pandemic impacts our teens

6 June 2022 -
The Health4Life study gave us a unique opportunity to assess changes in key health behaviours in a large and geographically diverse sample.

10 of the best science discoveries at Sydney in 2019

18 December 2019 -
Their galactic detective work found Andromeda had eaten several smaller galaxies, likely within the last few billion years, with left-overs found in large streams of stars.

Why do some heavy drinkers get liver cirrhosis and some don't?

12 November 2019 -
We hope that by analysing the genes in a large international group comprising thousands of drinkers we can detect the genetic risks that predispose some drinkers to get alcoholic liver cirrhosis.".

Test Test, Author at Sydney Uni Sport - Page 69 of 430

FEATURE STORY. SUBC prepare for NSW State Championships. Sydney University Boat Club (SUBC) will send a large contingent of rowers to compete at the the NSW State Championships from Friday 16

Physics art project - Faculty of Science

Apep and the Spiral Binary Star Orbit (left), taken with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile, shows the elegant dust plume surrounding the star system Apep. ... The First Large Absorption Survey in HI. FLASH (the First Large

Fusion group - Faculty of Science

Wrapped around the vessel are many coils of wire, through which large currents are passed. ... This produces a magnetic field inside the vessel which forms a large loop around the length of the doughnut.

Sydney to lead two new research centres of excellence

2 September 2024 -
Through this CRE we will grow and mentor a large cohort of mental health and substance use early- and mid-career researchers, youth, and people with lived experience to ensure that

Beijing Athlete Tracker - Tokyo Olympics & Paralympics - Sydney Uni Sport

As well as the competition sites, Beijing officials said they have also finished more than 30 large-scale infrastructure projects to help host the Olympics, including a high-speed railway and

Business as usual: confronting the denial at the heart of the climate crisis

9 January 2023 -
12 June 2018. Chris Wright reflects on how large corporations are able to continue engaging in increasingly environmentally destructive behaviour despite the disastrous consequences for human society and a livable climate. ... Of course, a key question