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Dr Patricia Lahy

Dr Lahy initiated the first Australian Master's degree in rehabilitation of the physically disabled, subsequently renamed Rehabilitation Counselling, a course now available at a large number of Australian higher education

scnews: "PDE Seminar: Dancer -- Large Interaction Problems" by Daniel Daners

CalLoc1: Carslaw 707A. Auth: PDE Seminar. Large Interaction Problems. Dancer. ... We are interested in the limiting behaviour of the stationary solutions and the behaviour of the dynamical system for large.

Introduction to integration part 1: the anti-derivative

The second type are problems which involve adding up a very large number of very smallquantities, (and then taking a limit as the size of the quantities approaches zero whilethe number

Democracy promotion: ANZUS and the Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy | United States Studies Centre

In 2018, Freedom House documented China’s large-scale training of foreign officials on how to adopt its “Great Firewall” system of censorship and surveillance, and export of artificial intelligence, facial ... Given the latter’s large population

A guide to the 2024 presidential election: from primaries to president | United States Studies Centre

a third-party candidate in a particular state can have a large impact on the fortunes of presidential hopefuls, by splitting progressive and conservative voters away from the two major parties.

The Debate Papers: Should Australia withdraw its military forces from the Middle East? | United States Studies Centre

But there are also issues in Europe (think large-scale people movements and Russia) and in north and west Africa that require US and European militaries to deal with. ... By and large, Australia’s best and brightest military officers get promoted after

PhD Holly Trowland looked at the alignment of galaxy spins with large-scale structure as a function of cosmic time.

Australia’s role and opportunity in the contested arena of subsea cable networks | United States Studies Centre

By supporting an "open, secure, stable, accessible, and peaceful cyberspace," Quad members are defending their shared cybersecurity vision for the Indo-Pacific and the international order at large. ... the growing interest from large information