Results that match 1 of 2 words

Lighting Standard

certifications to quality management systems, standards and codes. b. Be readily available on-demand and in large volumes in the local market from a wide. ... d. Be supported by large quantities of locally available critical spare parts that can be.

Text and Data Mining

Using text and data mining in your research . Text and data mining (TDM) can open up new areas of scholarly inquiry, making use of the large volumes of digital and digitised ... The lists of "danger words" were then used to evaluate or score a large

scnews: "Macquarie Mathematics Colloquium : Hawkins -- An Uncertainty Quantification Algorithm for Simulating Acoustic Wave Interactions with Large Stochastic Configurations in Three Dimensions" by Zhou Zhang

CalLoc1: E7B T5, Macquarie University. Auth: zhangou@ (zhouz) in SMS-WASM. Macquarie Mathematics Colloquium : Hawkins -- An Uncertainty Quantification Algorithm for Simulating Acoustic Wave Interactions with Large Stochastic

Red Square

The Red Square. This image (left) announces a new arrival in the pantheon of exotically beautiful celestial objects. We have christened this startlingly symmetrical nebula "The Red Square" for its color and form, and also in recognition of its close

CRICOS 00026A Australian National Total Body PET Facility Established ...

Access to routinely available radiotracers- Human and large animal PET/CT imaging- Clinical phase I-IV imaging studies- Study design and image analysis- Pharmacokinetic modelling- Synthesis and development of novel radiotracers

PDE Seminar: abstract

PDE Seminar Abstracts. Chaos and Synchronisation in Large Systems of Interacting Particles with Random Connections. ... I also find conditions under which particles with connections from an Erdos-Renyi random graph synchronize their oscillations in the