Dialogues in urban planning: Creating sustainable regions

Dialogues in UrbanPlanning. Towards Sustainable Regions. Edited byTony Gilmour and Edward J. Blakely. with Rafael E. Pizarro. COPYRIGHT. Published 2008 by SYDNEY UNIVERSITY PRESS. Individual authors 2008 Sydney University Press 2008. Reproduction

Archaeology of the Chinese fishing industry in colonial Victoria

Archaeology of theChinese fishing industry. in colonial VictoriaAlister M Bowen. Studies in Australasian HistoricalArchaeology. Volume 3. Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology. AUSTRALASIAN SOCIETY FOR HISTORICAL ARCHA EOLOGYEDITORIAL

Copyright Future Copyright Freedom: Marking the 40 Year Anniversary of the Commencement of Australia’s Copyright Act 1968

Metro Goldwyn-Mayer Stu-dios Inc v Grokster Ltd 75 545 US 913 (2005) per Breyer J (with whom Stevensand O’Connor JJ joined) and Stevens v Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Corp