Results that match 1 of 2 words

Research opportunities_

Developing new multifunction layered particles with novel modular food processing systems

Research Supervisor Connect. This project will develop new multifunction layered particles with novel processing systems to enable multiple bioactive dosages or functions to be delivered in one functional food product.
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Improving the scale-up of spray drying for bioactive extracts and fibres

Research Supervisor Connect. This project will improve the ability to scale up the spray drying of bioactive extracts and fibres. N/A. The project will do this by exploring the effect of operating conditions on the yield from spray drying (quantity)
Research opportunities_

The Effects of Changing the Inlet Gas Temperature and Drying Atmosphere in Spray Drying on Particle Properties

Research Supervisor Connect. In this project, the effects of changing the inlet gas temperature and drying atmosphere in spray drying on particle properties, such as the degree of crystallinity, the bulk density, powder flowability, and crystal
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Synthesis of single walled nanotubes in fluidised beds

N/A. Currently the majority of synthesis products from FBCVD are mixtures of multiwalled nanotubes (MWNT), carbon fibres, single walled nanotubes (SWNT), and amorphous carbon. ... Mixtures of products are more difficult to separate and are therefore less
Research opportunities_

International Political Economy

Her work focuses on corporate power, civil society activism, the politics of natural resource extraction, and shareholder activism.
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Turbulence-chemistry interactions in piloted premixed flames

A new piloted jet premixed flame burner has been developed involving a high velocity jet of pre-mixture mixing into a hot vitiated co-flow that approximates fully-burnt combustion products ... Stabilization is achieved by means of a pilot annulus of hot
Research opportunities_

Energy Recovery in Spray Drying

effect of different operating conditions on the product quality and the energy use. ... N/A. The condensing temperatures in a recirculation system and the inlet gas temperatures for the dryer can be adjusted to affect the product humidity and the energy
Research opportunities_

The pharmacology and toxicity of synthetic cannabinoids

Research Supervisor Connect. Synthetic cannabinoid containing products have become available in Australia since about 2010 with brand names such as Spice, Kronic, K2, Tai High and Zeus. ... The consumption of these synthetic cannabis products has been
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Engineered living materials for a sustainable future

The project aligns with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals on increasing resource efficiency and reducing waste to sustain natural resources and environments.
Research opportunities_

Naturally good - fibres and particles of natural origin as a new biomaterials for regenerative medicine and drug delivery

Research Supervisor Connect. This project will investigate characteristics of new materials of natural-origin for biomedical applications and drug delivery. ... Masters/PHD. The aim of the project is to develop the next generation of natural biomaterials.