Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Study areas - Faculty of Science

We offer a broad range of scientific fields for you to pursue. Learn more about these disciplines, career pathways and related courses.
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Study chemistry - Faculty of Science

Chemistry . Develop your understanding of matter and molecules. Chemistry is the central science, it's vital to understanding the natural world and properties around us.
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Study agriculture and food - Faculty of Science

or sustain the world’s natural resources and biodiversity, studying animal- and crop-based agricultural science will give you the knowledge and skills you need to make it happen.
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Chemical biomolecular engineering - Faculty of Engineering

This project addresses the two major challenges to global sustainability imposed by i) increasing and dynamic variety and volume of e-waste being generated, and ii) diminishing availability of natural reserves ... This Project will focus on the
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Animal health - Faculty of Science

For those with a natural passion for animals, pursuing a career as a veterinarian will feed your passion while also offering a rewarding profession dedicated to providing care for both animals
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Study environment and geosciences - Faculty of Science

Exploration for critical and base metals. Energy exploration. Natural hazards, such as erosion, earthquakes and volcanic activity.
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Electrical and computer engineering - Faculty of Engineering

Since artificial intelligence (AI) is the defining technology of our time, it is natural to ask what role it could play for 6G.
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Non-government organisations - Faculty of Science

Environmental officers study the natural environment and work to address issues related to its health, conservation, and sustainability. ... Additionally, having a natural passion for the project cause and genuine interest in the field can help
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Civil engineering - Faculty of Engineering

Project Description: Much of the natural world and human-built environments exist within the lowest portion of the atmosphere known as the boundary layer. ... Project Description: Structures are subject to gradual and progressive deterioration over time,