Market Reactions to the Announcements of Financial Risk Regulation from Basel II.5 to Basel IV: What Do Shareholders and Creditors Perceive? [12pt] (September 29, 2023)

be calculated for unsecuritised credit products. For secu-. ritised instruments, the capital requirements of the bank-. ... ing book apply to securitized products, banks may cal-. culate a comprehensive risk measure (CRM) for so-called.

Indian Masala – Page 4 – On-site analysis from an Indian field school

All the products are sold in the Indian market and to tourists visiting the welfare centre. ... Large parts of Kerala were inundated because natural boundaries have disappeared with mining and development projects.
Research opportunities_

Peace with Nature: capacity building to document and protect biodiversity and promote sustainable green bioeconomy initiatives

However, protecting and undertaking research on this natural treasure has been extraordinarily difficult during Colombia’s lengthy civil war. ... of the benefits of learnt skills and knowledge in the generation of products and/or actions to be
Research opportunities_

Microscale Technology and 3D Printing for Therapeutic Delivery and Tissue Engineering

The aim is to reconstitute hair follicular units with natural appearance and functions by tissue engineering method in vitro. ... Rusan Pharma., India, topical analgesic product development. • GRF Biotechnology, China, testing of anti-wrinkle delivery
Research opportunities_

Ecohydrological modelling of flood and groundwater dependent ecosystems

Different satellite data products would be used to extend the modelling over large spatial areas. ... the Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources and the University.

Quit Smoking Weapons of Mass Distraction

These industries try to denigrate unassisted cessation and promote their products and services – “weapons of mass distraction” – as essential to successful quitting. ... This contributes to the medicalisation of a process that, before these

Night Skies of Aboriginal Australia: A Noctuary

1 Prologue 12 Aboriginal Cosmology 143 Natural Cycles and the Stars 274 Mythology 545 Social Relations and Kin Ties 816 Healing 907 Astronomical Observations 948 The Fall of the Sky-Dome ... At risk of stating the obvious, AustralianAboriginal ideas

Ending War, Building Peace

ENDING WAR,BUILDING PEACE. Edited byLynda-ann Blanchard. and Leah Chan. COPYRIGHT. Published 2009 by SYDNEY UNIVERSITY PRESSFisher Library, University of Individual authors 2009 Sydney University Press 2009. Reproduction

Removing the emperor’s clothes

But nowhere has there been any example of the entire packagingof a product been prescribed. ... Why plain packs? Why is tobacco so ‘like no other product’ that it warrants this treat-ment?

Dr Yousef Dashti

Yousef Dashti completed his PhD in natural products chemistry (2015) at the Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery for research carried out under the supervision of Prof Ron Quinn. Following his PhD,…