Results that match 1 of 2 words


Nicotine pouches are being marketed to young people But are they safe

26 February 2024 -
A number of the videos have included links to websites selling these products. ... Tobacco-free nicotine pouches are a relatively recent product, but similar style products that do contain tobacco, known as snus, have been popular in Scandinavian

Global tourism carbon footprint quantified in world first

18 November 2019 -
For the first time, tourism footprint has been quantified across the supply chain – from flights to souvenirs – and revealed as a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. The Sydney-led research fills a gap noted by the World Tourism

Know your H20 - Sydney Uni Sport

Most of the shelves are stocked with soda water and natural mineral waters. ... Natural mineral waters are usually bottled at their source and then distributed for consumption.

Designing universal access to ocean pools

2 December 2021 -
Through the project students developed ways to produce tactile maps representing natural landscapes, and designs that stimulate people to actively engage with the edge of the sea.

Ghost roads in South-East Asia speed nature’s destruction

16 April 2024 -
By sharply increasing access to formerly remote natural areas, unregulated road development is triggering dramatic increases in environmental disruption due to activities such as logging, mining and land-clearing.

Australian philanthropy win: $1 billion for 4000 good causes

10 January 2023 -
Launch thriving student start-ups. The Inventing the Future program brings students from various faculties together to create commercially viable products that address the world’s problems.

Increased Q-fever vaccination needed for rural residents

19 December 2019 -
Increased Q-fever vaccination needed for rural residents. 11 March 2019. Need for more Q-fever vaccinations in rural communities. Researchers are calling for increased Q-fever vaccination for rural residents as a new study finds people who are not

Exploring Everyday Nature in Urban Environments

20 March 2024 -
One of the best ways to empower others to see the joys of the natural world is to help them learn about the animals and plants we live with. ... So passing on some of the knowledge you’ve acquired or spending time with others watching the natural world

Using wealth to insulate yourself from climate change

9 February 2023 -
While the days of overt climate denial are mostly over, there's a distinct form of denial emerging in its stead. PhD candidate Hannah Della Bosca, from the Sydney Environment Institute, explores the phenomenon of implicatory denial.