Results that match 1 of 2 words


Social network analysis - Faculty of Engineering

The structure of interorganisational relationships and supply chains influences the resilience of the national economy to natural disasters and opportunities for industrial innovation. ... Social network analysis can reveal the mechanisms of dynamic

4 in 1 blood pressure pill much more effective than monotherapy

3 September 2021 -
High blood pressure is the leading cause of preventable deaths globally – we hope our world-leading findings will be translated swiftly into a product available for the general public,” she concluded. ... George Health Enterprises Pty Ltd (GHE) and

Our research: wireless engineering - Faculty of Engineering

Wireless communications in particular is undergoing explosive growth and the convergence of internet and wireless technology promises innovative products and services that will revolutionise life and work.

Innovation boosts wheat production in India

10 December 2019 -
Learn how Sydney, India, Pakistan and the UK are collaborating on an international innovative hybrid wheat strain to feed large populations.

Sydney scientists take home Young Tall Poppy Awards

17 June 2021 -
Dr Lau and his team work as molecular architects, using natural proteins and peptides as building blocks for engineering all manner of useful things on the molecular scale, from cancer drugs

Humanities and medicine excel in QS Subject Rankings

22 March 2023 -
The annual QS subject rankings cover 54 disciplines within five broad subject areas: Arts and Humanities; Engineering and Technology; Life Sciences and Medicine; Natural Sciences; and Social Sciences and Management.

How an economics degree fuels a start-up career

31 August 2023 -
Investment products and strategic financial recommendations are, at the end of the day, all based on economic theory and prevailing economic conditions,” he explains.

Courageous Cowan conquers Proteas - Sydney Uni Sport

Competitions. Courageous Cowan conquers Proteas. 2012-11-12. On Monday afternoon Ed Cowan became just the third Sydney University Cricket Club (SUCC) product to score a test century, as he and

Sydney Games and Play Lab - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping the designed world, from fashion to architecture to digital products. ... That is, unlike non-digital objects, the appearance of emergent objects is not co-extensive with its materiality, and is instead a product of

Why Ukrainians are ready to fight for their democracy

20 July 2022 -
Russia is not only the second-largest natural gas producer in the world – it is also extremely good as gaslighting.