Results that match 1 of 2 words


Black Saturday firefighters want you to listen to them

In commemorating firefighters as heroes, we can fall into the danger of overstating their ability to control fires, absolving ourselves of responsibility, write Professor Leanne Cutcher and Dr Graham Dwyer.

Climate change: eminent Australians slam government inaction

13 August 2021 -
Twenty two eminent Australian scholars and health experts have signed a letter demanding the Federal Government phase out coal by 2050 following its rejection of a United Nations (UN) report warning that world has 12 years to limit a climate change

Rural life not as active as you think: new study

1 June 2020 -
Rural Australians need support to 'get moving', according to researchers from the University of Sydney who have published a review finding those in rural areas are just as physically inactive as their city counterparts.

Soil Security

Thursday November 21, 2019
Soil security: running down a dream. Solutions for securing our soils for centuries to come. Join us as we commemorate United Nations World Soil Day with a discussion about how we can ensure that our soils provide food, biodiversity and healthy

Meet the Solutionists transcript and episode notes - season 1, episode 3

We had an activity called ‘intentions’. We created this activity with people who are leaders in design thinking, who often draw out tensions around which they would design an industrial product,

Mapping the fate of our reefs

11 December 2019 -
Mapping the fate of our reefs. 29 March 2017. Global warming and coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef. Researchers are using 3D mapping techniques to capture the Great Barrier Reef in incredible detail in order to study the effects of global

Fuels and clean combustion - Faculty of Engineering

A useful aspect of particle formation in flames is the scalable synthesis of nanomaterials into a range of products from catalysts to smart sensors, biomaterials and biomedical devices. ... Flame spray pyrolysis (FSP) has emerged as a preferred

A once-dormant magnetic neutron star is emitting strangely polarised light

11 April 2024 -
located. Declaration. The authors declare no competing interests. Research was funded by the Australian Research Council, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Dutch Research Council.

Field stations - Faculty of Science

one time or another a member of 154 conservation and natural history societies. ... In 1947 she gave the cottages and their contents to the University of Sydney for use as a "natural field station for research into and for the promotion of the study

Sexual consent education program wins $1.1 million research boost

31 July 2023 -
When moments of homophobia or gendered aggression occur, it is often dismissed as not serious or as an inevitable product of adolescent relationships,” said Dr Rawlings.