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Lives of the Stars

Stellar graveyards: white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. We look at the end products of stellar evolution: the remnants which are left behind.

The Debate Papers: Can Australia be a cyber power? | United States Studies Centre

In the latest instalment of our Debate Papers series, Tom Uren and Michelle Price argue whether Australia has what it takes to be a cyber power.

Mission and history | United States Studies Centre

Fair recruitment processes. Getting involved in volunteer work. Purchasing sustainable, fair-trade products.

Section menu for 9. The scalar product

School of Mathematics and Statistics. 9. The scalar product. 2003 The University of Sydney.

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Revising algebra skills

We can use the distributive law to multiply out the product of two (or more) brackets.For example, expand (y3)(5y2). ... In this case we say that ax ay is expressed as a product of factors a and (x y).

Algebra Seminar Title and Abstract - University of Sydney

Friday 17 May, 12-1pm, Place: Carslaw 375. A Demazure Character formula for the product monomial crystal, and connections to generalised Schur modules. ... By considering certain generic torus actions on these quiver varieties, Nakajima also showed that

Research opportunities

Natural scientists are increasingly confronted with problems in the analysis of large, multi-parameter datasets. ... These methods will be suitable for use across the natural sciences, as well as related areas such as finance and big data analytics,

Work Health and Safety Procedures 2016

11 Suppliers, contractors and purchasing controls. (1) Reasonable attempts must be made to purchase the safest available products and services.