Results that match 1 of 2 words

Climate and resource security – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

The climate and resource security megatrend captures the climate change trajectory and the pressure this is placing on the world’s natural resources. ... Averting this megatrend will require both adaptation and mitigation strategies. Ecosystem-based

Nutrition and dietetics inherent requirements

4. Cleanse hands and forearms using disinfecting products. This is an occupational health and safety and patient safety requirement.

Student perspectives on summer school versus term-time for undergraduate mathematics

Relationships between the categories suggest an interactive flow-diagram, akin to Biggs’ Presage-Process-Product (3P) model, with special emphasis on the importance of presage and temporality. ... Keywords: tertiary mathematics education, summer school,

NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Use of recreational or prescribed cannabis products in the past 4 weeks and unwilling to refrain from using such products for the duration of the study.

Break of Package Request Form

possible a death certificate should be provided);  Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring.

scnews: "Sydney Dynamics Group: Ravotti -- Quantitative global-local mixing for accessible skew products" by Lachlan Smith

CalLoc1: Zoom. CalTitle1: Sydney Dynamics Group: Davide Ravotti -- Quantitative global-local mixing for accessible skew products. ... Auth: (lsmi9789) in SMS-WASM. Sydney Dynamics Group: Ravotti --

Gratuitous concurrence and the role of the prosecutor: Presenting a fair and firm Crown case in the face of sociolinguistic challenges | CCE

Criminal Law. About the webinar ETHICS & PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. PROFESSIONAL SKILLS. CPD Points: 1.5 A unique challenge faced in the adversarial system is that the prosecution only ‘wins’ when justice is done. An agreeable witness may seem

Our Team - Sydney Mathematical Research Institute

Ashvni also interested in machine learning and have been experimenting with translation of natural language to Lean code using Large Language Models.

Professor Stephen Garton FAHA, FASSA, FRAHS Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor ...

We do not, however, have good on-farm technologies for segregating product based on quality, provenance characterisation, or for packaging into smaller portions, so that the new products can be put ... We are currently developing sensing and information