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Tensor product representations for orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras

Tensor product representations for orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras. Authors. Georgia Benkart, Chanyoung Lee Shader and Arun Ram.

scnews: "Algebra Seminar: Jing -- Spin representations of wreath products" by John Enyang

CalLoc1: Carslaw 373. Auth: enyang@penyang.pc (assumed). Algebra Seminar. Spin representations of wreath products. ... Title:. Spin representations of wreath products. Abstract:. According to Schur, spin characters of the symmetric group can be

Tennis Raquet Physics

There are only four basic types of string, namely natural gut, nylon, polyester and kevlar in order of increasing stiffness.

Types of information

To entertain, sell a product, or provide news (or opinion) on particular topics, events or issues.

NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Although it’s natural to focus on the reported case numbers because they’re highly visible, the outbreak’s progress is in fact driven by the number of new infections.

The Debate Papers: Is the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework glass half full or glass half empty? | United States Studies Centre

Promote trade in manufactured and agricultural products by requiring product standards to be non-discriminatory, based on scientific evidence and consistent with agreed international norms. ... The North American supply chain works so well because

Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law Annual Report ...

She leads several projects understanding the impacts of man-made climate change on natural and social systems with a particular focus on Africa and India. ... Professor Lesley Hughes, Macquarie University presented ‘Impacts of the changing climate