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Binary stars, like planets, are in constant motion. And so, our dust nursery at the collision front between the stellar winds, is carried around with the natural orbital motion of the

Public opinion in the age of Trump: The United States and Australia compared | United States Studies Centre

Australia has a great deal in common with the United States. Both are settler societies, originally founded as British colonies, with a similar cultural heritage, with political systems valuing personal freedoms and democratic institutions. Shared

Modern Algebra 2000, Week 04

˜= 0. ˜. The scalar (u, v) is called the inner product of the vectors u and v. ... Let {a˜1, a. ˜2,. , a. ˜k} be a basis for a finite-dimensional subspace W of an inner product.

Modern Algebra 2000, Week 03

We can expect the properties of thestandard inner product to be mirrored by other inner products. ... Note that using the identity matrix in the above construction gives the standardinner product.

Global reach for Australian trials

Pace of decision-making with multiple players involved. Time zones are the natural enemy of international collaboration!

Communications and cabling standard 2022

Testing of optical fibre cabling. AS/CA S008:2010 Requirements for customer cabling products. ... All cablers will hold appropriate and current qualifications to install that manufacturer’s product.

scnews: "Statistics Seminar: Cressie -- Statistical Modeling of Big, Spatial, Non-Gaussian Data: The MODIS Cloud Mask Product" by John Ormerod

CalLoc1: Carslaw 373. Auth: jormerod@pjormerod3.pc (assumed). Statistics Seminar: Cressie -- Statistical Modeling of Big, Spatial, Non-Gaussian Data: The MODIS Cloud Mask Product.

Sydney University Algebra Seminar

Polynomial functors and representations of wreath products. Friday 15th August, 12:05-12:55pm, Carslaw 373. ... I will discuss an alternative approach in the case where the group is the wreath product of a symmetric group and a cyclic group.

11. The vector product (page 7)

School of Mathematics and Statistics. 11. The vector product. Vector products and the area of a triangle. ... Hence we can use the vector product to compute the area of a triangle formed by three points A, B and C in space.