Results that match 1 of 2 words

A change of plans ... - History Matters

A common theme among them, though, was how proud they were of their final product. ... I hope the end product reflects the time and effort I have put into it.

A love story for the ages - Seymour Centre

or perhaps just a natural process of abbreviation, with the shortened name used more and more widely over time.

The Réunion Project - uniting MRIO initiatives

The GTAP Data Base, the premier product of this network, is a globally consistent database containing I-O, trade, protection and energy data for 113 countries/regions and 57 sectors.

Smoke Signals – Sydney University Press

41. Corporate responsibility is fast becoming a smoke-free zone. 42. The problem with selling a lethal product: you just can’t get the staff.

Environmental Impact Assessment

This process of industrial interdependence proceeds infinitely in an upstream direction, through the whole life cycle of all products, like the branches of an infinite tree.

Privatisation: Sell Off or Sell Out? – Sydney University Press

This product includes the original 2000 title, plus a separately bound new introduction.

Getting to know White Box Theatre - Seymour Centre

parts and the variety of people and skills that come together to form the final product.

Our sponsors

of national income, expenditure and product aggregates. ... The Australian IO Tables provide detailed information about the supply and use of products in the Australian economy and about the structure of and inter-relationships between Australian

Making Animals Public – Sydney University Press

2 Captivating viewers: Early natural history television on the ABC. Part 2: Provoking. ... 3 Developing the natural history genre: How animals and the media apparatus interact.