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FMH Wins 27 March - Intranet

In a perspective published in says predatory retailers, manufacturers and importers of vaping products have exploited loopholes in regulations to flood the market with illicit products that appeal to young people. ... In theory, Australia’s regulatory

FMH Wins 27 June 2022 - Intranet

Participants submit a two-minute video to pitch an idea or product (real or fictional) that addresses an unmet need, with the aim to secure an investment for the idea.

FMH Wins 29 January - Intranet

Director of the HHRI Professor Ollie Jay said heatwaves in Australia claim more lives than any other natural disaster and it’s important people understand that the risks are different for

FMH Wins 7 August - Intranet

Dr Partridge is developing digital health and wellbeing programs to help young people live healthy lifestyles and Dr Cairns' work has led to changes in medicines scheduling, packaging, labelling and product ... Founded in partnership with Sydney Local

Costing for Sydney Water Corporation’s 2002 Ecological Footprint

the environmental impacts of their products downstream from the treatment and disposal of their product, but also for their upstream activities inherent in the selection of materials and in the design ... This product of the aggregate sector however is,%20Murray,%20Sack%20&%20Wiedmann%202006%20-%20Shared%20Responsibility.pdf

FMH Wins 11 March - Intranet

products to maintain its future revenue stream as reforms restrict access to vaping products.

FMH Wins 4 October - Intranet

Published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, it found that many are readily accessing and using illegal vaping products. ... The team advise that turning the tide on teen vaping requires strong and immediate policy action,

Five minutes with our Makers & Shapers: Melissa Burney - Intranet

As a natural introvert I can err on the side of solitude but 2022 has brought a deep sense of community - local as well as UCRH and University; authenticity - crying with

Human mini-hearts: an innovative approach for heart disease research - Intranet

The Stem Cell and Organoid Facility goal is to create a broadly available resource of human stem cell-derived products and organoids to accelerate research.

FMH researchers creating a world of healthier hearts - Intranet

MICArdiac leverages natural language processing and machine learning algorithms (artificial intelligence) to personalise messages based on a patient's health literacy (by adjusting the readability level of messages) and using data