Results that match 1 of 2 words

Research opportunities_

The Effects of Changing the Inlet Gas Temperature and Drying Atmosphere in Spray Drying on Particle Properties

Research Supervisor Connect. In this project, the effects of changing the inlet gas temperature and drying atmosphere in spray drying on particle properties, such as the degree of crystallinity, the bulk density, powder flowability, and crystal
Research opportunities_

The pharmacology and toxicity of synthetic cannabinoids

Research Supervisor Connect. Synthetic cannabinoid containing products have become available in Australia since about 2010 with brand names such as Spice, Kronic, K2, Tai High and Zeus. ... The consumption of these synthetic cannabis products has been
Research opportunities_

Energy Recovery in Spray Drying

effect of different operating conditions on the product quality and the energy use. ... N/A. The condensing temperatures in a recirculation system and the inlet gas temperatures for the dryer can be adjusted to affect the product humidity and the energy
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Passive enhancement of heat dissipation by natural convection

However, the heat transfer rate of natural convection based systems is generally low, and it is desirable to enhance their performance. ... Built on the advanced understanding, innovative passive strategies for enhancing heat dissipation by natural
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Use of green materials in concrete structures

Research Supervisor Connect. This research will investigate the use of various alternative materials in concrete structures. Masters/PHD. The use of concrete is increasing due to growing demands for the construction of infrastructures as a result of
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Identification of genetic drivers of ovarian cancer

This is compounded by the paucity of robust genetically engineered models of this malignancy for monitoring the natural history of the malignancy and preclinical testing of novel therapeutics.
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Nanotube purification

have been reported for the purification of the CNT products synthesised in a fluidised bed by CVD on micron-sized catalyst supports. ... We are developing conventional and microwave powered acid digestion processes which successfully remove catalysts and
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International Political Economy

Her work focuses on corporate power, civil society activism, the politics of natural resource extraction, and shareholder activism.
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Structural performance of advanced engineered timber-concrete composite connections for lightweight construction

Research Supervisor Connect. The project will investigate the performance of novel engineered timber-concrete composite connections as a structural member under in- and out-of plane loads. Masters/PHD. Formwork is erected to hold wet concrete in
Research opportunities_

Techno-economic and life cycle analysis of new carbon synthesis processes

Their environmental and market impacts will be studied against benchmark standards of current carbon material products and engaged with potential industrial partners to evaluate scale-up and commercialization opportunities.