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Unit of study_

Responsible Design for Innovation

The unit will discuss how design can be used as a method and as a way of thinking to drive responsible innovation for products, services and processes.
Unit of study_

Climate Change: Problems, Possibilities

It considers how different perspectives on land management, human needs, and state policies can inform the various uses of natural resources.
Unit of study_

Environmental Political Economy

You will learn how these schools diagnose environmental problems as products of market failures, limits to growth or social inequalities.
Unit of study_

Life and Evolution (SSP)

Evolution through natural selection is the framework in biology in which specific details make sense.
Unit of study_

Corporate Finance II

The securities examined include: bonds and related fixed income products; futures and options.
Unit of study_

Digital Circular Economy

the tripling of global consumption of natural resources. ... to preserve upstream natural resources (energy and materials), optimise manufacturing processes that reduce generation of irreversible waste.
Unit of study_

Placemaking and Performance

performance. They will learn techniques and theories of site-specific performance: that is, performance which creatively responds to built and natural environments, to contested histories, and to complex cultural politics.
Unit of study_

Introduction to Interface Design

The aim is to develop appreciation of visual design principles and their impact on the usability and user experience of interactive products. .
Unit of study_

Mechanical Systems Design 1

a CAD package; 3) Creativity; 4) The design process from initial idea to finished product; 5) Methods used to analyse designs; 6) Appreciation and analysis of standard components; 7) An understanding