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Biomechanical Design

Students will also learn and use the design process from initial idea to finished product, and practice various methods used to generate creative solutions.
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Data Science Capstone

This unit is our capstone project that presents the opportunity to create a public data product that can illustrate the concepts and skills you have learnt in this discipline.
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Food Quality and Safety

The content is aimed at ensuring that the consumer receives food products that are safe to consume and with the desired level of quality, both in terms of their sensory attributes
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Competition and Consumer Law

competitive acquisitions and key aspects of Australian consumer law including: product safety, consumer guarantees, unfair contract terms, unconscionable conduct and misleading or deceptive conduct.
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Regulatory Affairs in the Medical Industry

Supply of medical devices, diagnostics and related therapeutic products is regulated in most jurisdictions, with sophisticated and complex regulatory regimes in all large economies.
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Environmental Simulation Modelling

Environmental Simulation Modelling - ENVI5809. Year - 2024. This unit of study introduces participants to the power of simulation modelling in understanding and predicting behaviour of natural systems.
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Economics of Water and Bio-Resources

Economics of Water and Bio-Resources - AREC3004. Year - 2023. This unit develops knowledge and skills in natural resource economics built on previously gained economics training. ... The economics of dynamic natural systems is studied through application
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Marketing Honours A

The topics revolve around products, branding, pricing, distribution channels and retailing, and promotions.
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Ecological Econ and Sustainable Analysis

natural limits; comparisons between ecological and environmental economics; valuing the environment; intergenerational discounting; global inequality with a focus on the climate change debate; and links between theories of well-being, human
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Food Processing and Value Adding

The manufacture of composite food products, which have distinct properties to their constituent ingredients, requires a complex series of processing operations. ... You will learn methods of food analysis and apply a scientific approach to investigating