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Microbiology in a Changing World (Advanced)

2) ‘Microbes in the Environment’ will examine how microbes are used to manage soil and water quality in natural and polluted environments and how they contribute to agriculture.
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Interaction Design Studio

Students will develop technical as well as methodological skills for designing and developing interactive products and services.
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Gender, Media and Consumer Societies

Gender, Media and Consumer Societies - GCST4206. Year - 2023. This unit examines theories of consumption in regards to cultural and media products and practices, with a specific focus on gender.
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Ecological Principles

Field and lab practicals will give students an insight into the ways that ecologists address ecological problems and how way they generate an understanding of natural systems.
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Pathogenesis of Human Disease 2 (Advanced)

You will undertake advanced investigations to understand pathogenesis, natural history and related health complications of common human diseases.
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B2B Marketing

B2B Marketing - MKTG6020. Year - 2023. Business marketing is concerned with the marketing of products and services to other businesses and institutions.
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Soil Processes, Assessment and Management

Soil Processes, Assessment and Management - AFNR5511. Year - 2023. Soils support agricultural and natural ecosystems and regulate environmental interactions between the hydrosphere and atmosphere.
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Project Management Capstone Project

The project will be judged on the extent and quality of the student's contribution to the project and the product deliverables, particularly on their understanding of the business or organisational
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Earth Science: Past and Future of our Planet

planet. You will develop knowledge on the processes that lead to natural hazards (e.g., volcanoes, earthquakes) and how you can use geosciences to build resilient societies. ... The unit includes a combination of lectures, hands-on laboratories with
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Foundation in Global Logistics

Foundation in Global Logistics - ITLS5250. Year - 2024. An enterprise's profitability relies on its ability to deliver the products and services that customers want in a cost effective, timely and consistent