Results that match 1 of 2 words

seconf Sydney Environment Institute Collaborative Grants Scheme The Sydney ...

opportunity to apply for internal grants to develop new collaborative, multidisciplinary research projects. ... 2. Collaborative Funding only: up to $25,000 in grant funding for a multidisciplinary project.

Duncan Ivison Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) 28 May 2021 Mr ...

Duncan Ivison Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research). 28 May 2021. Mr Grant Hehir Auditor-General Australian National Audit Office. ... The NHMRC criteria for scoring grant applications value significance, research quality, and team quality and capability.

What can – and should – we expect from Australia’s new cyber security strategy? | United States Studies Centre

This could include grants funding and resource options; community, business and school-led programs; and reduced-fee TAFE and vocational education to create a rich tapestry of solutions.

MUSE Issue 7, March 2014

Hennessy founded the Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation (NEAF) in 1986 to enable a broader audience access to research of this area.

DVCE Pattison's Submission on Designated CSP Reforms

However, the proposal that the new framework will commence in the 2020 grant year is unrealistic. ... The financial impact on a provider of a five per cent reduction will vary widely depending on the Commonwealth Grant Scheme clusters in which the CSPs

Office of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal F23 - Administration ...

Introducing a single funding envelope for the Commonwealth Grant Scheme(CGS) to give providers more flexibility to respond to changes in student demand. • ... Commonwealth Grant Scheme and risks devastating negative consequences for the. nation’s

Centre for Disability Research and Policy Welcome to our ...

Johnsson. This research is another outcome from the ARC grants led by John, which. ... submitted a successful MRFF 2021 – Consumer-Led research grant. This project.

Submission on Peformance-Based Funding

Professor Paul Wellings CBE,. Vice-Chancellor, University of Wollongong. Chair, Performance-based funding for the Commonwealth Grants Scheme Expert Panel. ... Department of Education and Training’s Performance-based funding for the. Commonwealth Grant

Professor Annamarie Jagose Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor 20 November ...

4 Forthcoming, An investigation of modern slavery risk mitigation in supply chains: A natural language processing approach, Bhattacharjya J, Sydney Business School/Business School Pilot Research Grant. ... organisations are likely also facing similar