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Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President Level 4, F23 ...

The most effective mechanisms available to enhance the system’s integrity are the ESOS agencies’ powers to grant or remove a provider’s entry on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and ... Given that the proposed caps are being driven

Collective deterrence and the prospect of major conflict | United States Studies Centre

Both institutions would like to thank the Australian Department of Defence Strategic Policy Grants Program and US grant-making foundations for their generous support of this activity.

Financing AUKUS Pillar II: Building a multi-sovereign public-private innovation fund | United States Studies Centre

These include equity, grants, contingent grants, concessional loans and guarantees which are implemented through partnerships with five multilateral development banks.

A new age for deterrence and the Australia-US alliance | United States Studies Centre

Both institutions would like to thank the Australian Department of Defence Strategic Policy Grants Program and US grant-making foundations for their generous support of this engagement.

Power Institute AR 2021

An unsuccessful DFAT grant was submitted in 2021 and further funding is being sought for these projects. ... CY2020 CY2019. INCOME. Grants 23,693 84,707. Scholarships, Donations and Bequests 234,491 265,504.

Power Institute Annual Report 2019

Furthermore, for a press that is restricted to working with project grants rather than a recurring annual publishing budget, co-publishing has been a necessary though at times limiting solution. ... Two series-focused grant proposals and an

Chapter 1: Shared sacrifice | United States Studies Centre

This was a pivotal moment in the Alliance; the United States needed Australia’s resources and Australia was granted some strategic access – at least as much as MacArthur would grant. ... It changed its name to the Australian-American Cooperation

Professor Walter Stibbs Lectures - Sydney Institute for Astronomy (SIfA)

Committee of the International Astronomical Union, Chairman of the Astronomy Policy and Grants Committee of the former Science Research Council in the UK, and Chairman of the Science Research Council’s


This research was supported by grants from the Australian Research Council and the US National Science Foundation Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics Program.