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1 CORE RESEARCH FACILITIES Total Body PET Facility Pilot ...

Objectives. The objective of this funding scheme is to enable researchers to collect pilot data in support of future competitive grant applications.

Professor Joanne Wright Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) Office of the ...

Reviewers of grants and awards using Gen-AI inappropriately in the process of evaluating proposals to circumvent human thought and insight.10. ... Artificial Intelligence in the ARC Grant Programs (7 July 2023) 11 Here we note, for example, the valuable

Democracy promotion: ANZUS and the Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy | United States Studies Centre

This paper argues that democracy promotion ought to be an essential component of the Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy — a strategy that is being promoted by the United States, Australia, Japan and, increasingly, India, albeit with national

Submission to the 2024 Independent Intelligence Review: USSC Emerging Technology Program | United States Studies Centre

One avenue of delivery could be through an Australian Research Council grant managed by ONI – similar to the National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants (NISDRG) Program that supports research in ... This could be delivered through an


In 2018 he was awarded an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) for a research project on the social and cultural impacts of cryobiology.

Chapter 5: 20 years since 9/11 | United States Studies Centre

It outlined breaches by Hussein’s Iraq since the 1991 Gulf War of a number of UN resolutions, most importantly the refusal to grant unrestricted access to UN weapons inspectors.

Dr. Alberto Giacomello is visiting our lab! - Neto Research Group

Alberto Giacomello, Associate Professor of Fluid Dynamics at Sapienza University and principal investigator of an ERC Starter grant.