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Comments on: awarded soil science challenge grant Plant-soil interactions lab. Fri, 13 May 2022 10:10:49 0000. hourly.

Successful academic promotions in the Faculty of Medicine and Health - Intranet

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In the media - Intranet

Grant for groundbreaking research into tragic issue of domestic, family and sexual violence. ... Associate Professor Jocelyn Jones. Image: UNSW Kirby Institute. Associate Professor Jocelyn Jones has been awarded a grant from Australia'.

Research Bulletin - Intranet

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Research opportunities_

Medieval Studies

Academic staff have been remarkably successful in obtaining research grants. Over 16 Members of the Centre have held research grants of one kind or another, some more than once, in the

Professor Tamera Corte

Tamera Corte is a Consultant Respiratory Physician and Director of Interstitial Lung Disease in the Department of Respiratory Medicine at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. She is a Professor at The…

Professor Zdenka Kuncic

Prof Kuncic was awarded a BSc with first class honours in physics from the University of Sydney and a PhD in theoretical astrophysics from the University of Cambridge, UK. She now leads a…

Professor Julie Redfern

Julie Redfern is a Professor of Public Health, 2022 NSW Woman of Excellence and current holder of a NHMRC Investigator Grant Leadership 2 (NHMRC Elizabeth Blackburn Award for Health Services). She is …

Professor Tara Murphy

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Professor Peter McCluskey

Peter McCluskey is currently Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology and Eye Health at Faculty of Medicine and Health The University of Sydney and is the Director of the Save Sight Institute at Sydney…