Results that match 1 of 2 words


Dr Sasha Rubin

Dr Sasha Rubin holds an undergraduate degree in mathematics and computer science from the University of Cape Town, and a PhD in mathematics and computer science from the University of Auckland.…

Miss Dania Abu Awwad

Dania Abu Awwad is a lecturer and researcher within the Discipline of Medical Imaging Sciences at the University of Sydney. She completed her Bachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography)…

Associate Professor Hao Zhang

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Research opportunities_

Holocaust history, memory and representation

Her current major research project, The Memory of the Holocaust in Australian Public Life is supported by an ARC Discovery Grant.

Associate Professor Jo Gillespie

Jo is a geographer specialising in environmental legal geography. She is interested in unpacking the complex intersection of geography and law, especially in relation to environmental problem-solving …

Associate Professor Tina Hinton

Tina Hinton (BSc Hons, PhD, Grad Dip Sci Psych) is an Associate Professor of Pharmacology at The University of Sydney. She teaches pharmacology to Medical Science, Science, Nursing, Pharmacy,…

Dr Ben Egliston

Dr Ben Egliston is an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow and Lecturer in Digital Cultures in the Discipline of Media and Communications. His research focuses on the political economy of media…
Research opportunities_

Turbulent transport of algae in stably stratified rivers: a computational fluid dynamics study

This project is based in the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering and is supported by the ARC Discovery Project Grant: Thermal stratification, overturning and mixing in riverine environments’.

Associate Professor Simone Schoenwaelder

Simone Schoenwaelder is Associate Director of Research Management and Education of the Heart Research Institute, an Associate Professor (Research)at the Heart Research Institute and Charles Perkins…

Professor Michael McDonnell

After completing my BA in History and Philosophy at the University of Ottawa, in Canada, I returned to Britain to do a DPhil at Balliol College, Oxford, where I also taught briefly and served as…