Results that match 1 of 2 words


Professor Emeritus Jude Irwin

Jude Irwin (PhD, MA, BSW) is Professor of Social Work and Social Justice in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney. Jude’s teaching, research, practice and policy…

Dr Anagha Killedar

Selected Grants. 2024. Equitable Pathways and Integrated Care in Cerebral Palsy, Woolfenden S, Ostojic K, Dale R, Elliott E, Killedar A, Martin T, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal -…
Research opportunities_

Clear and present danger: Dissecting the role of TSP-1 in the inflamed neovascularized cornea

The tight physical barrier on the corneal epithelium, high degree of innervation, and various other factors that mediate corneal immune privilege grant the cornea protection from opportunistic invasion of pathogens and
Research opportunities_

Neuroscience/Neuroimmunology Research: Role of antibody in brain immune-mediated diseases

The INMR is supported by competitive national and international research grants, with valued contributions from its fundraiser partners.

Dr Julie Gordon

N, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners/RACGP Foundation / HCF Research Foundation Research Grant. ... 2004. General Practice EHR and data query minimum data set development, Britt H,…
Research opportunities_

Solving the long-standing evidence-practice gap associated with cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (SOLVE-CHD)

Research Supervisor Connect. SOLVE-CHD a 5-year NHMRC Synergy Grant and is about solving the long-standing evidence-practice gap associated with cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of heart disease. ... It is a multidisciplinary team effort

Associate Professor John O'Byrne

Associate Professor John O'Byrne is an astronomer in the Sydney Institute for Astronomy. His current astronomical research interests centre on the rapidly expanding field of 'Astrophotonics', but he…

Associate Professor Joan Henderson

Selected Grants. 2005. The effect of computerisation on the quality of Australian general practice care, Britt H, Henderson J, Miller G, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners/GPCG…

Professor Emeritus Ross Sheil

show 13 more. hide last 13. Selected Grants. 1999. A bioartifical liver support system, Sheil A, Sun Q, IDP Education Australia Ltd/Australia-China Institutional Links Program. ... Progression of a…
Research opportunities_

Referral practices of allied health and medical professionals for people with musculoskeletal conditions

She is currently managing a large national NHMRC-funded project grant (PACE MSK, APP1141377 $1.5m 2018-2022), part of which involved the development of mypainhub.