Results that match 1 of 2 words


Banking royal commission to have 'monumental impact', say experts

While highlighting the “bad behaviour of banks”, Dr Andrew Grant from the Business School said the commission “has also focused attention on a severe lack of financial literacy among the Australian ... into any financial agreement,” Dr Grant said

Mechanobiology Biomechanics Laboratory - Faculty of Engineering

Point-of-care testing project lead:Associate Professor Arnold Ju. I am honoured to be awarded the prestigious Snow Fellowship, a remarkable $8 million grant aimed at propelling innovative research initiatives.

SEIs 2025 collaborative grant applications are now open

29 July 2024 -
Collaborative Funding only: up to $25,000 in grant funding for a multidisciplinary project. ... View selection criteria here (SEI Collaborative Grant Scheme Selection Criteria 2025, pdf, 242.6KB).

Is the bench spying on you? 'Smart' street furniture, analysed

23 June 2021 -
These have typically begun as experimental initiatives funded by federal and state government grants.

One minute bursts of activity during daily tasks could prolong your life finds study

8 February 2023 -
Declaration: The authors do not declare any competing interests. The study is funded by an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Investigator Grant and Ideas Grant.

Sydney experts respond to 2022 federal Budget

1 June 2022 -
10,000 new social housing units but the grant funding required to service these loans remains missing in action.

Flames grant Gayle a release - Sydney Uni Sport

Competitions. Flames grant Gayle a release. 2013-12-06. The Brydens Sydney Uni Flames have today agreed to Ashley Gayle’s request that she be released from the final four months

SEI’s 2024 collaborative grant applications are now open

6 July 2023 -
Collaborative Funding only: up to $25,000 in grant funding for a multidisciplinary project. ... Grants will be offered for multidisciplinary partnerships to encourage multidisciplinary research engagement and collaboration.

Nicotine pouches are being marketed to young people But are they safe

26 February 2024 -
Panel. These are unpaid roles. She has received relevant competitive grants that include a focus on e-cigarettes/vaping from the NHMRC, MRFF, NSW Health, the Ian Potter Foundation, VicHealth, and

Top tips: How to stay cool in the heat

13 December 2019 -
A $1.1 million National Health and Medical Research Council grant awarded to Dr Jay and colleagues last week will allow the team to further their work into evidence-based ways