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WCF Indigenous Scholarship - Wesley College

OR. as a living allowance for those students who have their fees paid by another grant or scholarship (e.g.

Delivering the Quad’s tech agenda | United States Studies Centre

The US Department of State signed a technical assistance grant with Palau to modernise its mobile network and deploy open radio access network (RAN) capabilities.

Research Code of Conduct 2023

Note: Additional obligations may apply to grant funded research, and researchers should check the terms of any applicable funding agreement or contract and the policies and guidelines of their funding bodies. ... e) professional or institutional

Welcome Week Student Grants Program Application Guide

About the Welcome Week Grant Program. The Welcome Week Grants Program provides funding and support for students to host events that builda sense of community. ... For more informationOffice of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Life)E

NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Funded by:. Cancer Australia, Priority-driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme grant #1129568. ... United States NIH grant R01-HL109711. Australian NHMRC Fellowship #1150989. Chief investigators:.

Postgraduate Research Scholarship in First Nations People, Mental Illness and the NDIS - Scholarships

If the end date of the grant supporting this scholarship is extended, approval is required from the Associate Dean (Research Education), Faculty of Medicine and Health for the scholarship to continue ... If the recipient completes the maximum scholarship

NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Please refer to my university profile for a list of current research grants, academic outputs and student activities.